
Getting a set of unique values from a column is a common operation in data analysis. A commonly suggested technique is to use the sort and uniq commands in combination. This study compares the performance of this technique with some variations on a real-world dataset and some contrived test examples.



The dataset is two files derived from a GBIF exported with 89,732,452 rows and 15 columns (GBIF.Org User 2024). The investigation focusses on two columns from this dataset:

  1. publisher with 30 unique values,
  2. license with 175,716 unique values.

These columns were isolated into separate files for each column to ensure the test is not influenced by column separation.

In order to compare with three more theoretical benchmarks three additional files (with the same number of lines as the real world example) were created:

  1. same: A file where every line reads “BioAcoustica: Sound Library”
  2. unique: A file with incrementing integers
  3. alternate: Alternating lines of true and false

Machine details

The tests were performed on a VMWare virtualised instance of Ubuntu 22.04.05 LTS with 12GB of RAM and 4 Intel Xeon Platinum 8380 CPUs running at 2.30GHz.


The bash time function was used to measure the time taken to extract unique values from each column, with 10 repetitions for each method. As the real time taken (as reported by time) may be affected by other processes running on the system, the sum of user and sys time were used as the total measure of performance, although the real time is also reported as a measure of the time taken to run the command and assess the impact of multi-thread operations. Tests of single core performance were not conducted as it’s 2024.

The following methods were tested:

  1. sort -u
  2. uniq | sort -u
  3. sort | uniq
  4. uniq | uniq | sort -u
  5. uniq | sort | uniq

The file being tested was read by the first sort or uniq command, and the output was piped to /dev/null.

Notes on sort

The sort command is used to sort the input data. The -u option is used to remove duplicate lines.

Notes on uniq

The uniq command is used to remove duplicate lines from a sorted file. If the file is not sorted uniq will only output the current line if it is different from the previous line.

In real-world datasets values in a column often occur in groups, so the combinations uniq | sort | uniq and uniq | uniq | sort -u may effectively reduce the number of lines piped to sort.


Results by file

license column

method mean
sort -u 24.6963
uniq | sort -u 26.9240
uniq | sort | uniq 32.5221
sort | uniq 64.5948

method mean
uniq | sort -u 16.4382
sort -u 17.2138
uniq | sort | uniq 19.4527
sort | uniq 38.7181

The two fastest methods for both user and total time are uniq | sort -u and sort -u. sort | uniq is the slowest method, taking 2.36 times longer than uniq | sort -u for the user, and 2.62 times longer for the total time.

publisher column

method mean
sort -u 40.8204
sort | uniq 41.6528
uniq | sort | uniq 46.3127
uniq | sort -u 47.5305

method mean
sort -u 40.8204
sort | uniq 41.6528
uniq | sort | uniq 46.3127
uniq | sort -u 47.5305

The fastest times for both user and total time are sort -u and sort | uniq. The calculation is slower than for the license file in all cases apart from the compute time for sort | uniq.

unique column

method mean
sort -u 40.8204
sort | uniq 41.6528
uniq | sort | uniq 46.3127
uniq | sort -u 47.5305

method mean
sort -u 40.8204
sort | uniq 41.6528
uniq | sort | uniq 46.3127
uniq | sort -u 47.5305

The fastest times for both user and total time are sort -u and sort | uniq, although all methods are relatively closely matched.

alternating column

method mean
uniq | sort -u 24.9655
sort -u 30.4055
sort | uniq 34.3696
uniq | sort | uniq 37.9967

method mean
uniq | sort -u 24.9655
sort -u 30.4055
sort | uniq 34.3696
uniq | sort | uniq 37.9967

The fastest times for both user and total time are uniq | sort -u and sort -u.

same column

method mean
uniq | sort -u 7.7747
uniq | sort | uniq 7.8341
sort -u 19.6351
sort | uniq 43.1565

method mean
uniq | sort -u 7.7747
uniq | sort | uniq 7.8341
sort -u 19.6351
sort | uniq 43.1565

The fastest times for both user and total time are uniq | sort -u and uniq | sort | uniq, which are similar in time taken and noticeably faster than the others.

Results by method

uniq | sort -u

file mean
publisher 6.4099
same 7.7747
alternate 24.9655
license 26.9240
unique 47.5305

file mean
publisher 6.4099
same 7.7747
alternate 24.9655
license 26.9240
unique 47.5305

sort | uniq

file mean
publisher 21.7443
alternate 34.3696
unique 41.6528
same 43.1565
license 64.5948

file mean
publisher 21.7443
alternate 34.3696
unique 41.6528
same 43.1565
license 64.5948

uniq | sort | uniq

file mean
same 7.8341
publisher 8.5796
license 32.5221
alternate 37.9967
unique 46.3127

file mean
same 7.8341
publisher 8.5796
license 32.5221
alternate 37.9967
unique 46.3127

uniq | sort -u

file mean
publisher 6.4099
same 7.7747
alternate 24.9655
license 26.9240
unique 47.5305

file mean
publisher 6.4099
same 7.7747
alternate 24.9655
license 26.9240
unique 47.5305


For most real-world scenarios sort -u is probably a time efficient choice. For very large datasets which are predominantly single valued uniq | sort -u or uniq | sort | uniq may be more efficient.


The virtual machine used for testing was provided by the Natural History Museum, London.


GBIF.Org User. 2024. “Occurrence Download.” The Global Biodiversity Information Facility.