
The TDWG Audiovisual Core (AC) standard includes terms for describing rights information for media items. In response to issues raised on the AC GitHub repository, this analysis was conducted to determine the extent to which these terms are used in media items on GBIF.

The data represents 73,422,190 media items from 467 datasets provided by GBIF. Datasets are included only if they make use of the AC extension.

Term definitions

The AC standard includes the following terms for rights information:

Term usage by dataset

Number of datasets using each term

The following terms are not used in any of the datasets: ac:attributionLinkURL.

Datasets usings dc:rights and dcterms:rights

65 datasets (representing 1,683,194 media items) use neither dc:rights nor dcterms:rights. One or other of these terms are required by the AC standard, so a significant number of datasets are potentially not compliant.

Datasets usings dcterms:rights and xmpRights:webStatement


GBIF/TDWG Multimedia Resources Task Group and Audiovisual Core Maintenance Group. 2023. Audiovisual Core Term List. Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG).